Monday, January 7, 2008

Apology to all but Kyzersosa and Jd-Trapstar

I shall not longer write mean things about people on this blog. A fellow poker player has made me feel very bad about doing this, and I feel like its affecting my karma, although I still hate Kyzersosa and Trapstar. I will still write some mean things about players, but I just won't list their names. The purpose of this blog is to let you guys know the progress of me trying to be a winning player. So far I am doing good at that goals. I have made back $1,200 of what I have lost and I plan to be up within 4 months. Then people can't keep saying I am in the red blah blah blah. They can say wow you really changed your game around and made progress. Thanks to all who read this blog and help me out.

JD-Trapstar is a bitch, its that simple

The biggest bitch of all poker players in the world goes to JD-trapstar. That dumb fucking crack head he so mad that I beat his ranked ass that he leaves me mean comments. They make me cry and now I have to quit poker cuz he said I suck. LOL JD-TRAPSTAR TOOLS LIKE YOU ARE WHY I MADE THIS BLOG. TO SHOW HOW FUCKING STUPID YOU ARE LOL. I NEVER SAID I WAS THE GOD OF POKER. JUST TRYING TO IMPROVE MOTHER FUCKER.