Saturday, December 8, 2007

Thank you (name removed) for your money

Only played one game today because I have been so busy, but at least I won that one game. ****** was the usual complaining bastard that goes all in with a draw when I have a high pocket pair and whines when he doesn't hit. Then he starts bitching and complaining. Let me says it one more time for all the fishes and donks out there. I know I am down about 4,500 now. I really don't care because I'll be even within a month and my ROI kills most people at the $23 and $34.50 level. I am down because of playing higher limits like a moron. The whole purpose of me playing at these lower levels is to get even and up again. My ROI and AVG $ is almost even again too. People need to learn how to use scope before they talk shit. They should look at my Roi at certain levels and not at the whole before they talk. Out to drink for the night. Good luck to all.

P.S.-The whole purpose of this blog is to let people know how my journey to get out of the red from 6k is going. I'd say its going pretty good so far.

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